The week came to fruition in collaboration with over 30 sponsors including governmental institutions, Embassies, NGOs, and businesses.

Seven events were actualised during the week.
Day 1: Opening Ceremony: Diaspora in the Limelight: Highlighted the enormous impact and contribution of the African Diaspora in the Finnish society. Goodwill messages were conveyed by some of the African Ambassadors in Finland (Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia). The event had two panel discussions: Fostering relation for mutual good, and Enabling Impact, which facilitated the sharing of experiences and personal narratives of Immigrants in Finland. AU’s Citizens & Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) through a video message emphasized the asset of the Diaspora to Africa and African countries’ development.
Performances by a Rwandan traditional dance group, Les Etoiles Brillantes des Porvoo and live music from a Mbacke Sene were also part of the ceremony.
Day 2: Investing and Partnering with African Innovators: This was a Slush side-event organised in collaboration with SAIS, Futurice, and UNTIL. Through this event, an opportunity was created to discuss investing in, and partnering with young African innovators who are using technology to enhance the lives of their communities. A live pitch competition was carried out whereby innovators presented their ideas and the audience selected which innovation they believe will make a great impact and improve the quality of life.
Day 3: Event 1: Finland-Africa Research Stories: Through a presentation by Sara Lindeman from Aalto New Global and roundtable discussions this event created conversations among students, researchers and practitioners interested in research around the theme of Africa. Research, carried out from 2015 and onwards, were exhibited in a poster format. Our member Wende Luvinga also presented Think Africa’s Diaspora database.
Event 2: Sustainable Market Entry into African Countries: Sourcing Local Knowledge
Closer to Home: How to engage the African diaspora in Finland in gaining contacts and
insights for when entering the African market was the main topic raised at this event. A panel discussion with entrepreneurs on collaboration opportunities existing within Finnish companies and organisations operating in or expanding to African countries gave insight to the audience.
The evening also included networking.
Day 4: Self-Actualization and Mindset: Basics and Fundamentals of Psychosocial Wellbeing: Through an interactive workshop, this event provided tools for increasing
confidence, peak performance and connecting with one another.
Day 5: Celebrating 5 years of Think Africa: Think Africa proudly celebrated its 5th year of being a registered organisation at the residence of the South African Ambassador in Helsinki recognizing the current members and the founders of the organisation. The evening was decorated with a performance by Zwai Mbula and Chico Matada Group.
Day 6: The African: a Conversation on Identity: This event created a safe space for an intimate discussion among Africans to discuss the African identity. The personal and shared aspect of identity in the African Diaspora community was emphasized and encouraged.
At the Opening Ceremony, the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco exhibited cultural artifacts and provided information about Morocco and the current affairs of the Kingdom. Handcrafted shea butter products resourced from Ghana and made in Finland by Inkuto were also exhibited at the event. Participants were also treated to a video montage from Kayiwa designs.
Some speakers of TAWeek 2019 included:
Ambassador H.E Carmen Smidt (The Republic of South African Embassy, Finland), Ambassador H.E Mohamed Achgalou (Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco, Finland), Leena-Kaisa Mikkola and Maria Kurikkala (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland),
AU CIDO Directorate (Ahmed El-Basheer), Daniel Thebe (Uhuru Consumer Electronics), Tayo Adelakun (Lockworth), Kaisa Arkkila and Hanna Viitala (Finnpartnership), Edward Mutafungwa(Aalto University), Peter Kariuki (Ministry of Justice), Michaela Moua (Non-Discrimination Ombudsman’s office), Anna Rastas (Tampere University), Harriet Aryenda (The Natural Beauty Shop), Takura Matswetu, (City of Tampere’s Migration Info Centre), Anna-Maija Aguilera-Pesä (International Organization for Migration), Faith Mkwesha (Sahwira Africa International NGO), Lincoln Kayiwa (Kayiwa designs), Zach George (Startup Bootcamp Africa), Jukka-Pekka Kärkkäinen (FCA Investments Ltd.), Hanno Nevanlinna (Futurice), Carina Hedberg (KPMG), Kingsley Ify (Springboard Afro-Nordic Business platform), Maissi Ftiti (Technology Center Merinova Oy), Heikki Rusama (Freeed.com), Pertti Lepäluoto (Steam’n Heat Ltd), Miia Nuikka (International Solidarity Foundation), and Sara Lindeman (New Global).
For more images of TAWeek 2019, please check out our facebook page here.