Numerous in-person events were postponed or cancelled last year as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, which had an influence on events all around the world.
In light of this, the board, organising team, and partners decided that the annual flagship event, Think Africa Week 2021, needed to be organised both in-person and online. The theme was to connect and reconnect people from diverse backgrounds to dialogue, inspire, and collaborate.
The event was well executed, and participation was overwhelming: the event saw close to 300 participants in person and witnessed tremendous growth on our social media channels.
- a 467% increase in net followers on Facebook.
- an increase of 160% in reach and 126% in engagement on Instagram.
- over +300% in post impressions on LinkedIn and Twitter.
In addition, the speakers covered a wide range of topics, including the move towards a more connected society and closing the gap between the African diaspora and the Finland-Africa strategy.
Highlights from the fascinating week include:
Participants at the opening ceremony got to experience a variety of engaging performances, discussions, and exhibitions. The panel discussion with young people of African origin, which examined their views on belonging, identity, and culture, was what stuck in people’s minds.
On Day 2, participants learned about the experiences of immigrants and those involved in policy development, and on Day 3, key stakeholders came together with the goal of bridging the knowledge gap between the African diaspora and the Finland-Africa Strategy and developing a practical engagement and involvement strategy.
During the Slush Side Event, 11 founders from African countries pitched their innovations. The Think Africa Prize was awarded to Hendrecycles, based in Zambia, and PRD Logical Solutions of South Africa for their social impact.
The week came to a close with the always significant subject of health, examined from the perspectives of dietary choices, mental health, and physical activity. The message about the need to take care of our health continued in the first and second quarters of 2022.
For the 2022 edition of TA Week, it promises to be bigger and better as we put issues affecting our community under the microscope. That being said, if you attended the 2021 TAWeek, please share your favourite part with us HERE.
And if you missed the event, you can watch some of the videos HERE. Remember to follow us on our social media platforms to stay connected.