The human resources and strategic potential of the African diaspora in Finland have not been sufficiently harnessed to promote and advance internationalization of Finnish companies to African countries. At Think Africa, we believe that Africa’s recovery will be Africa-led, with African diaspora entrepreneurs and Finnish investors poised to benefit first-hand from this new era of opportunity.
On the 21st of May 2021, the first series of “Lean In: Enter the African – Nordic Markets” took place virtually, an event organized by Think Africa in collaboration with Remode. The aim was to break down African market entry perceived barriers, as well as encourage networking among African diaspora led consultants in Finland. In attendance were stakeholders, and organizations that support internationalization of Finnish companies to African countries. Companies represented included: Arbonaut (Alain Minguet), Appleblossom M.I. Ltd (Abayomi Magbagbeola), FourFerries (Ida Rönnlund), Springboard (Kingsley Ify), Ekorent (Juha Suojanen), Laaru Consulting (Sarah Laaru), and Ex-Taaleri (Kari Haaparinne).
A highlight of the event was the roundtable discussions that focused on:
-The experiences of Finnish companies already operating in some African countries.
-The role of African diaspora in building bridges, initiating strategic partnership, and how they can add value to market entry into Africa for Finnish companies.
Amazing event, highly engaging, and excellent moderation. Below are recaps of the “Lean In: Enter the African – Nordic Markets” with many different insights on the role of the African diaspora in the internationalization of Finnish companies to African countries.
African diaspora led consultants and Finnish companies already operating in various African countries gave insights on African market entry perceived barriers, and ofcourse, sharing their success stories. A key takeaway from this discussion is the importance of generating a high level of local knowledge, cooperating with a local partner in order to utilize the partner’s local knowledge during the entry process. Visiting the country; importance of relationships to finding a good partner also plays a vital role. Honesty from both parties, while communicating your plans and in transparency.
What role does diaspora led consultants in Finland play in building bridges, initiating strategic partnership? How do they influence market entry into Africa for Finnish SMEs?
Think Africa amongst a large number of African diaspora led consultants present in Finland, represents a tremendous asset to Finnish Companies seeking to expand their horizons into Africa. They are well equipped to identify reliable local partners, conduct market entry assessments, cultural competency advisory, research, survey, analysis, just to name a few.
It was agreed that Finland can leverage on their unique knowledge of the economic, environmental, societal and political conditions prevailing in Finland and Africa. Participation in the co-creation of long-term transnational cooperation projects, strategic partnership and capacity development projects should be prioritized.
Diasporas can contribute to the economic welfare, development, and sustainability of Finnish businesses. They can do so by making their knowledge, professional experience and expertise available to strengthen the internationalization of Finnish companies to African countries. Last but not least, collaboration will support the exchange of good practices and innovation from Finland to African countries. The chance has never been greater for African diaspora to rewrite a positive narrative about the continent.
This is part of a series of three events, and we will have the next event in September. More information will be announced on our website and all of our social media platforms.
If you missed the event, you can catch the recording here ->Link : https://bit.ly/2RNCo6A, Passcode: ^6VSKduN
Written by:
Emeka Enwe, Afara Services Lead, Think Africa ry