Think Africa’s volunteers consistently contribute their time and skills. This month Volunteer Spotlight #January features Anne Wanjiku Fagerström, a wife and a mother of two boys. Originally from Kenya, Anne envisions working in projects that support the youth, women, and families of immigrant background in Finland. She is currently a third year student at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki.
Anne aspires …..
“My passion is to work in supporting the marginalised in society. I am currently enjoying the exposure to information in the social and healthcare sector through my studies and internships. In the future, I aspire to work in projects that involve supporting the youth, women, and families of immigrant background in Finland. My personal experiences are a key motivating factor. Some areas of interest being the identity of immigrants, migration & integration and supporting immigrant participation in the Finnish society. I value honesty, kindness, compassion, loyalty, and appreciation.”
How it all started….
Anne and some of her friends attended a Think Africa event, and one of her friends “ Bancy Kinyua went ahead to join Think Africa as a volunteer. She shared her experiences as well as her personal and professional growth, as a volunteer and a mentor in Think Africa’s mentorship program. “For further exposure to Think Africa´s activities and members, I participated in more events which led me to join the association. I delved further by becoming a volunteer to get an even better understanding of the association. Through the process, I have made good friends and look forward to joining more projects.” Anne strongly believes that our actions and words inspire another person to give back to society.

Why Volunteering?
“I see volunteering as giving back to society; being a blessing and of service to others. When you live away from home, you are like a tree that has been uprooted and has been replanted in a new environment. It takes time to adjust and like a tree, one requires time and nurturing through guidance and information during this process. I have experience of that need and would like to offer my skills and talents to support those who might be in need. Some of these needs might not be widely spoken about or visible, but exist and I intend to be part of making an impact in meeting them. ”
Why Think Africa?
“In Think Africa, I have met many wonderful, gifted, and talented people who are driven by the desire to make positive, meaningful change and impact in society. I have learnt to listen to other peoples´ experiences and opinions, share my opinions, appreciate diversity of personalities and cultures, while admiring how pooling of experience and knowledge can go a long way in changing people’s lives. I have also been exposed to information on various projects and activities that I can be involved in for personal and professional development. Additionally, I feel part of a large family where everyone is loved, welcomed, and appreciated without boundaries. This is what a thriving society is and needs, especially in these current days”.
“After living like a hamster on a wheel for so long, I got out. Through participating in Think Africa, I have found my voice again.”
“My confidence to mingle with like-minded people and work towards a common goal has been reignited. I have found answers to questions I didn’t even know I had. Through discussions and mentoring from other members, I am mapping out my professional aspirations and identifying activities I would like to serve in, while at Think Africa. Knowing that, I, too, can be part of the solution is empowering.”
“One is never alone. Step out in faith!”
“Think Africa is a place where you find people who have similar backgrounds, experiences and looking to make an impact in society. There is an opportunity to share your opinions as you participate in various enlightening discussions and activities. You might find that you have the answer to another´s questions. It is while participating in these various team activities that you can sharpen your skills and talents while developing new ones. The issue is to start and go according to your pace, there is fulfillment. ”
You can connect to Anne on LinkedIn Anne Fagerstrom
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