This month’s Volunteer Spotlight features Cucu Wesseh, Think Africa’s Community Lead and member of the Board (2020-2021)
How has it all started?
“As far as my memory spans; it all began in the mid fall of 2018, when I was attending a seminar on Finland – Africa business collaboration, which was organized by Business Finland. At some point during the seminar, participants were going about our usual networking exercises. I believe it was at this juncture, that I encountered Myriam Munezero, the current Chair of Think Africa.”
…Then passion met the platform!
“I was attending the meeting in the capacity of an Independent Cultural Diversity research consultant with an avid interest in the African Diaspora Knowledge Transfer. My passion has always been bent on the potential of the African Diaspora and its contribution to Finnish society. Therefore, meeting the Chair of Think Africa was indeed an interesting and perfect network match as I was also planning on soliciting partnerships with stakeholders and focus groups to organize a Diaspora knowledge-based workshop.
The common interest and the desire to collaborate and work towards the fruition of a long-term plan ignited a spark for “asset-based community engagement.”
Why volunteer?
For Cucu volunteerism is a noble civil duty “Pivotal was and still is my understanding of “Our Power-to-Empower” through volunteerism with a Civil Society Organization as a noble civic responsibility and compassionate desire to contribute soft skills in combination with hard skills as a unique pathway to making impact, and striving to “live the change you want to see” in the wisdom of Gandhi.
Why with Think Africa?
“When I reflect in retrospect, Why Think Africa; I am inclined to reason simplistically because I am an African. Hence, the rationale and philosophy of “I think, therefore I am” vis-a-vis the notion “I am, therefore, I think”.”
The personal or professional gain of being a volunteer?
“Our Power To Empower!”- our ability as individuals through personal desires and aspirations to exert and contribute relative degrees of change at mental, physical or aesthetic levels. It stems from our potential to influence other people by impacting their lives”
Advice for aspiring volunteers?
“Write Your Story and Own Your Narrative!
Tell It As It Is and be Uncompromising in your quest and pursuit!
Tune your Actions and Reactions!”
Read more of Cucu Wesseh´s thoughts here: https://wescublog.wordpress.com/ or email: wesseh.cucu@thinkafrica.fi